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oppositivo - Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

18 oct. 2019 - agg. antitetico, contrastivo, opposto, critico, antagonistico CONTR. favorevole, d accordo.
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six hours’ sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and …

1623 J. WODROEPHE Spared Hours of Soldier 310 The Student sleepes six Howres, the Traueller seuen; the Workeman eight, and all Laizie Bodies sleepe nine houres and more. 1864 J. H. FRISWELL Gentle Life 259 John Wesley..considered that five hours’
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unliquidated claim or demand - blacks_law.enacademic.com

A claim which has not been finally determined either as to liability or amount of damages. A disputed claim. Under the law of accord and satisfaction, a claim or debt will be regarded as unliquidated if it is in dispute as to the proper amount.…
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Means, motive, and opportunity https://ift.tt/2Tczeqv In US Criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a popular cultural summation of the three aspects of a crime needed to convince a jury of guilt in a criminal proceeding.Respectively, they refer to: the ability of the defendant to commit the crime (means), the reason the defendant had to commit the crime (), and whether or not the ...
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Maline, Alain - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

enacademic.com EN. RU; DE; FR; ES; Remember this site Search! Encyclopedia of French film directors ; Interpretations; Translations; Books; Encyclopedia of French film directors Maline, Alain (August 2, 1947, Oise, France - ) He made his apprenticeship as a second assistant director (1976 L'Argent de Poche / USA: Small Change, François Truffaut; 1977 L'Homme qui aimait les Femmes / …
from german to russian

Translation — herleiten — from german — to russian — 1. Look at other dictionaries: Herleiten — Hêrleiten, verb. reg. act. 1. Eigentlich, zu dem Redenden leiten; im Gegensatze des hinleiten.
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2 hours ago ... enacademic.com · inner - Collocations dictionary 18.10.2019 - Look at other dictionaries: Inner — In ner ([i^]n n[ e]r), a. [AS. innera, a compar. fr.
Docynia from english
Nov 27, 2019 - Look at other dictionaries: Docynia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ? Chamaemeles Clasificación científica Sup … Wikipedia Español. Docynia — delavayi ...

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exert - Collocations dictionary
13.09.2019 - verb Exert is used with these nouns as the object: ↑attraction, ↑authority, ↑control, ↑dominance, ↑effect, ↑effort, ↑fascination, ↑force, ↑impact, ↑influence ...

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backstabber - Etymology dictionary
21.09.2019 - also back stabber, in the figurative sens, 1839, from BACK (Cf. back) (n.) + agent noun from STAB (Cf. stab) (v.). The verb backstab in the figurative sense is from ...

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soccorrevole - Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
04.11.2019 - agg. (lett.) compassionevole, pietoso, misericordioso, caritatevole, benefico, generoso, altruista CONTR. duro, egoista, indifferente, insensibile, spietato, crudele.

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breadbasket - Dictionary of American idioms
Oct 18, 2019 - Look at other dictionaries: Breadbasket — Bread bas ket, n. The stomach. [Humorous] S. Foote. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of ...

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