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April 14, 2021
KathleenGanley 1CathyC The Premier says the GOC Day Care plan is limited in scope, deficient in coverage and dogmatic. He doesn't believe one group of parents should be subsidized over another. Based on these shortcomings there's little likelihood #Alberta will participate in the announced program. https://t.co/tCP4RdrgvnKathleenGanley 1CathyC The Premier says the GOC Day Care plan is limited in scope, deficient in coverage and dogmatic. He doesn't believe one group of parents should be subsidized over another. Based on these shortcomings there's little 4905676 KathleenGanley 1CathyC The Premier says the GOC Day Care
June 4, 2021
KathleenGanley 1CathyC The Premier says the GOC Day Care plan is limited in scope, deficient in coverage and dogmatic. He doesn't believe one group of parents should be subsidized over another. Based on these shortcomings there's little likelihood #Alberta will participate in the announced program. https://t.co/tCP4Rdrgvn
June 5, 2021
DarcieLanthier Raffi_RC This https://t.co/iPXZiWlDB6 is exactly why #Alberta CCUS isn't a green technology. Sequestering 14.5M tonnes of CO2/yr is just over 1T/M. That's marginal emission reduction, offset by recovering oil on the other end. https://t.co/ZVcfx0tDuGDarcieLanthier Raffi_RC This https://t.co/iPXZiWlDB6 is exactly why #Alberta CCUS isn't a green technology. Sequestering 14.5M tonnes of 2792299 DarcieLanthier Raffi_RC This https://t.co/iPXZiWlDB6 is exactly why #Alberta CCUS isn't a green technology. Sequestering 14.5M tonnes of CO2/yr
November 15, 2021