Thought image for the week of Monday 5 - Sunday 11 April 2021. Kindness never goes out of fashion. So - if you find it is in short supply - add to it yourself! be a "kindness leader" - Start a kindness revolution! GandyHappenings DDSBwellness #kindness #empathy #lead #nice
April 25, 2021
April 26, 2021
RT ThePhilosopurr: Have we told you lately how much we ♥️ you?
#VirtualHugs #Cats #kindness #Gratitude
#VirtualHugs #Cats #kindness #Gratitude
May 19, 2021
Good Morning Twitter Family! Hope your coffee is delicious and your day is meaningful. I just want winter to end in Vermont! Happy Thursday! Make it a good day. #kindness Morning Twitter Family! Hope your coffee is delicious and your day is meaningful. I just want winter to end in Vermont! Happy 5039488 Good Morning Twitter Family! Hope your coffee is
December 7, 2021