RT EricaRosengart: Lovely surprise to see a Winter Wren pop up at Tupelo this afternoon #birdcpp https://t.co/bJhntTnjw5RT EricaRosengart: Lovely surprise to see a Winter Wren pop up at Tupelo this afternoon 1114726 RT EricaRosengart:
Brown Creeper and Winter Wren at the Loch, Carolina Wren singing its heart out by the Compost Heap. Yesterday CentralParkNYC. #birdcpp #BirdTwitter https://t.co/iD4nXjSCSgBrown Creeper 7785101 Brown Creeper and Winter Wren at the Loch, Carolina Wren singing its heart out by the Compost Heap. Yesterday CentralParkNYC. #birdcpp