FSSam's #Tommy #WW1 frontline Memoir + e-bk battle excerpts #Gallipoli, Somme & Arras/POW '18 - excerpt: London winter 1912, Tommy-to be Sam, 14, gets new job & travels in with Pa & bro Ted! P'bk/e-bks https://t.co/4nsMGgQlz7 Blog/story https://t.co/f07uI0zQ2M Profits: #RedCross https://t.co/FBQN96kYRFFSSam's #Tommy #WW1 frontline Memoir + e-bk battle excerpts #Gallipoli, Somme & Arras/POW '18 - excerpt: London winter 1912, Tommy-to be Sam, 14, gets new job & travels in with 1760178 FSSam's #Tommy #WW1 frontline Memoir + e-bk battle excerpts #Gallipoli, Somme