June 22, 2021
USDA's #drought #monitor (Apr 20th): 78% of #spring #wheat (+3pp w/w) and 34% of #winter #wheat areas (+5pp w/w) are experiencing drought.
https://t.co/5kqQorRkdz https://t.co/rPe4fMxiap
https://t.co/5kqQorRkdz https://t.co/rPe4fMxiap
October 13, 2021
Are you thinking of applying a Plant Growth Regulator on your winter cereals after the recent cold snap? Timing is critical so get out to the field and dissect some plants! If you have more questions give us a call: 519-225-2360 #Wheat #Moddus #WinterBarley https://t.co/zXRPyPQXa4Are you thinking of applying a Plant Growth Regulator on your winter cereals after the recent cold snap? Timing is critical so get out to the field and dissect some plants! 4938620 Are you thinking of applying a Plant Growth Regulator on your winter cereals after
November 15, 2021