“Baba Ali and the Clockwork Djinn is a magical and beautifully-told tale.” https://t.co/HOfvsoDGQK #BabaAliandtheClockworkDjinn DayAlMohamed #MiddleEasternSteampunk DMcPhail #steampunk #fairytale https://t.co/feiHzRtkCp
April 23, 2021
“This book has taken the polar opposites of magic and machinery, thrown them together in a mix of wonder and intrigue, danger and thrills, adventure and of course, love.” https://t.co/HOfvsoDGQK #BabaAliandtheClockworkDjinn DayAlMohamed DMcPhail #steampunk #fairytale https://t.co/vJ10zyClWx
April 26, 2021