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Nicolahebauthor Thank you!
Enjoy unexpected #mmromance thrills in #scifi, #steampunk, or other genres. My books can be found through Amazon or ninestarpress
#KindleUnlimited #KU #LGBTQ #readingcommunity #IndieApril
NineStar Press: https://t.co/D6vYuWqPAv
Amazon: https://t.co/jmLl4cFSpo https://t.co/NdFQpJmyiL
amosujiri Thank you!
Enjoy unexpected #mmromance thrills in #scifi, #steampunk, or other genres. My books can be found through Amazon or ninestarpress
#KindleUnlimited #KU #LGBTQ #readingcommunity #writeLGBTQ
NineStar Press: https://t.co/D6vYuW9eIX
Amazon: https://t.co/jmLl4cohxQ https://t.co/7Z47HZtgUw
Penny For Your Thoughts
A snippet of Penny For Your Thoughts was part of the Winter Wonderland event.
#MM #FirstTime #LGBTQ #Holiday #Romance #KindleUnlimited
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Penny For Your Thoughts
A snippet of Penny For Your Thoughts 6488359 #NewRelease
Penny For Your Thoughts
A snippet of Penny For Your Thoughts was part of
Stop by goaffirmations TODAY (4.21.21) from 4 PM to 7 PM to pick up non-perishable groceries, hygiene products, and winter wear if still needed. Please reshare! #CovidRelief #GoAffirmations #Ferndale #LGBTQ #Michigan #Help https://t.co/aHKE1nRCVBStop by goaffirmations TODAY (4.21.21) from 5724433 Stop by goaffirmations TODAY (4.21.21) from 4 PM to 7 PM to pick up non-perishable groceries, hygiene products, and winter wear if still needed. Please reshare! #CovidRelief